- Contact Us
km group bilingual desk (taxi&limousine )
24 hour call center +81)-3-5530-6001 【Japanesse Only】
Note: In case, you make a phone call in Japan using Japanese phone (from Japanese numbers), please use following number 03-5530-6001 (Never dial 011813~, it connects wrong place also it costs much).
The online reservation is available from 9:00 to 17:00pm.
Please make a reservation 72 hours in advance, especially for the driver with foreign-language proficiency.
Van type taxi and the driver who can speak English are limited.
Depending on traffic or weather condition, We are not able to provide you the taxi service.
When we have received the mail from you, We will contact you to confirm your reservation.
If you have any questions or make a change in your plan, Please send an e-mail to reserve@km-group.jp.
Thank you.
!! Caution !!
Yahoo mail users
We are not able to send mails with yahoo.com as the domain.
To solve this phenomenon, please check our domain “@km-group.jp” in the rejection list and release our domain from it.
Or simply use other mail than Yahoo mail.
We apologize for your inconvenience. Please accept our profound apologize for your inconvenience.
Sincerely yours,